Tag:treatment facilities



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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18


Energy conservation and alternative power sources at the wastewater treatment facilities


Methods of improving power efficiency of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities and heat and electrical power generation with the use of renewable power resource of wastewater. The analysis of power conservation and generation in water supply and wastewater management shows that depending on the technical solutions applied the total balance of power consumption at the water and wastewater facilities can vary from the net electrical energy consumption of 4 MW per 100 000 m3 of wastewater/day to positive balance of 7,5–8 MW (owing to 16 MW power generated including 1 MW of electrical energy). The power consumption of two independent municipal wastewater treatment plants can differ more than 6 times.

Key words

biogas , water supply-sewerage services , , , wastewater , heat pumps , electric power , power consumption , energy efficiency

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UDC 628.32

Meshengisser Yu. M., Kolesnik Yu. V., Ostroushchenko N. G., Konnov V. N., Radchenko V. V., Krasnoshtan S. K., Shulikov A. S.

Adoption of New Production Processes


The Ecopolymer Group in addition to products made of polymeric materials produces a wide range of equipment made of stainless and carbon steels for solution of different technological tasks of water supply and water disposal systems. Designs of equipment for wastewater and sludge treatment – check-in valves, rack fine treatment screens, belt filter-presses – are described. Main technical characteristics and advantages of the equipment manufactured are presented. Specialists of the company in cooperation with engineers of the South Korean partner have developed the design and mastered the serial production of a belt filter-press of BFS series fitting the level of the best world models.

Key words

equipment , , screens , filter-press , shield valve

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UDC 628.3(510 + 519.5)

Meshengisser Yu. M., Galich D. R., Gomozova E. V., Vu Min

Experience of Introduction of Ecopolymer Equipment in Countries of the Eastern-Asian Region


The experience of introduction of the Ecopolymer Group’s equipment in the countries of the Eastern Asian Region on the example of China and South Korea is described. In China aerators are used for treatment of municipal (communal) and industrial-municipal discharges (in industrial parks) and for treatment of industrial enterprises wastewater as well. The equipment introduction is made mainly at large treatment facilities of over 150 thousand m³/day capacity. In South Korea the Ecopolymer aerators are used at treatment facilities of concentrated flows with high concentration of activated sludge from unloading plants, pig farms, poultry factories, in systems with membrane technologies of wastewater treatment.

Key words

aerator , membrane technology , municipal and industrial wastewater , , interrupted aeration

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UDC 621.65:62-531.3:628.1

Goryunov A. N.

Interaction of Pumping Plants of the First Lift and Water Treatment Facilities


To ensure the effective work of a water treatment station, the coordination of operating modes of a pump station of the first lift with maintenance of the predetermined level at treatment facilities or in pure water tanks, and maintenance of the predetermined discharge to treatment facilities as well depending on the city’s water consumption is necessary.

Key words:

turbidity , pumps , , potable water , adjustable electric drive , startup mode , tank , frequency of rotation

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UDC 628.32.62-192.004.1

Bogomolov M. V., Dudchenko T. O., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Belov N. A.

Improvement of Operational Reliability of Wastewater Disposal System of Moscow


The reliable and efficient operation of the wastewater disposal system of Moscow is one of the most important components of sanitary and ecological well-being of the city. Under the conditions of water saving and an annual reduction in volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal the priority directions of development of the wastewater disposal system are improvement of water treatment quality and reliability of networks and facilities operation. With that end in view the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) introduces new methods of renovation of sewerage networks using widely up-to-date computer technologies and geoinformation systems, carries out the reconstruction of water treatment facilities. This complex of measures makes it possible to reduce considerably the risk of emergency situations.

Key words

trenchless method of repair , geoinformation system , sewerage network , mini-TPP (mini-thermal power plant) , pressure pipeline , , sewerage system

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UDC 628.212.2

Ganbarov E. S., GULIEV F. S.

Storm Sewer Development in Baku


Basing on the results of theoretical and experimental investigations a process scheme providing for chemical free treatment of polluted storm water in a compact float-filter placed in a circular settler is proposed. As may be required tertiary treatment by filtration through inert media is applied. The recommended technology can be applied in developing the Master Plan of surface runoff removal and treatment in the city of Baku. The technology provides for integrated treatment of storm water with pollution concentration reduction to the set limits. The effluent can be reused as process water for industrial enterprises, auto washing, street washing and irrigation of planted land.

Key words

drainage area , sewage collectors , storm sewers , trunk sewer , , surface runoff

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UDC 628.336.57:628.162.52

Butko D. A., Lysov V. A.

Determination of Rheological Properties of Water Supply Sediments in Facilities Directly


Design of an instrument and a method of calculation for the determination of rhelogical properties of sediments directly in settling facilities are presented. Regularities of the change of sediment resistance to displacement depending on the depth of its position and distance from the beginning of a settling tank are revealed.

Key words

, , , resistance of sediment to displacement

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UDC 504.062.4:628.334

Orlov B. V., Boykova I. G., Pechnikov V. G.

Ecological Rehabilitation of the Moscow Municipal Wastewater Disposal System


The suggestions about modernization of the disposal and treatment system of surface runoff from the territory of Moscow with due regard for environmental requirements set for water objects-water receivers have been developed by specialists of MosvodokanalNIIproekt on the basis of investigations of many years. The prognosis of possible reduction in pollution level of the city’s water objects as a result of execution of complex of measures aimed at the reconstruction of the wastewater disposal system and enhancement of the level of improvement of the city’s territories has been made on the basis of the analysis of change of pollutants concentration in the surface runoff in the course of its movement along the different parts of the wastewater disposal system. The suggestions take into account interconnection and interaction of all city’s water-management systems and can be used for search of optimal solutions concerning organization of surface runoff disposal and treatment for certain water collecting basins as well as in the course of actualization of the General scheme of disposal and treatment of surface runoff from the territory of Moscow together with the Program of rehabilitation of the city’s water objects.

Key words

biopond , water object , granulometric composition of pollutants , sewerage , the concentration of oil products , , surface runoff

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UDC 628.32/.356.085

Linev S. P., Grigorieva E. V., Minakova N. S., Voskoboynikova V. E.

The Lipetsk Aeration Station at the Service of Ecological Safety of Region


The plan of development of the biological treatment facilities of the city of Lipetsk using the modern technologies and equipment for waste water treatment is presented. The experience of attraction of investments under conditions of limited budget financing is considered. A full complex of actions on reconstruction of treatment facilities will make it possible to ensure high-quality treatment of the city’s waste water in accordance with the requirements for discharge into fisheries water bodies, which will improve the sanitary-epidemiological conditions of the Voronezh River.

Key words

nitri-denitrification , , reconstruction , ultra-violet disinfecting , frequency-regulated electric drive , ecological safety

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UDC 628.3:725.42:631.227.2

Lunin S. V., Prokhorova I. V., Rudakova L. E., Melnik D. V.

Enhancement of Treatment Efficiency of Wastewater of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory


Features of the treatment of wastewater of meat-processing industry enterprises are described using the example of JSC Kaluzhskaya Poultry Factory purifying the mix of industrial wastewater of the enterprise and household sewage of the Lev Tolstoy village. An optimal flow chart with adoption of local sewage treatment facilities after the poultry factory’s slaughter floor making it possible to enhance the efficiency of treatment is offered and substantiated. A brief description of the flow chart offered is given.

Key words

high concentrated wastewater , dehydrator , , reagent , utilization , flotation , flotation slime

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