Number 7 / 2014
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UDC 628.1/.3.001.2
Pupyrev E. I.
The 75th anniversary of MosvodokanalNIIproject
The wide range of activities and many years’ experience of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC team in the field of designing public utilities provide for the successful implementation of the tasks of creating the comfortable urban environment for the Moscow citizens and maximum improving the public services according to the plans of the megacity development and reconstruction. Upon the projects of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» Institute all the Moscow water treatment plants and wastewater treatment facilities, water and wastewater pumping stations, as well as the main facilities for solid waste management have been built. Besides, upon the projects of the Institute the system of the facilities for melting and disposal of snow removed from the city mains has been built. The specialists of the Institute are designing general schemes for water supply, wastewater disposal and sanitation facilities for many Russian and CIS regions. The main line of research is ensuring the integrity and environmental safety of the municipal engineering life support systems, including water treatment improvement, development of regulatory and guidance documents, inspection of water bodies and urban areas. The information on the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC activities in the field of designing the engineering systems of the public utilities in recent times is presented.
Key words
water disposal , water supply , engineering structures , regulatory and guidance documents , designing , sanitation and cleaning
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UDC 628.144.62-192
Primin O. G.
Analysis of factors producing an effect on the integrity and environmental safety of water distribution networks
The environmentally safe construction and operation of public utilities facilitates to a large extent the sustainable development of cities and communities. Pipelines of a water distribution network can be referred to the basic elements of the municipal water supply system and, as operational practice shows, are most vulnerable. Transition to market economy, reforming housing and public utilities under conditions of wear and aging of engineering life support systems of the Russian cities and communities, lack of material and financial resources for their renovation have significantly exacerbated the ecological situation in the country. Unsatisfactory condition of the water supplying pipelines in most of the cities, imperfect operation management result in numerous pipeline failures and, consequently, in material and environmental damages caused by the changing hydrogeological territorial regime, underflooding, raw wastewater discharge into water bodies and surface spills, increased soil corrosiveness etc. In that context supplying the population with sufficient amount of drinking water of the required quality and environmental safety of water use have been most urgent issues in Russia. The integrity and environmental safety have been the main requirements set to the public water supply pipelines. The results of studying the assessment and analysis of the factors effecting the integrity and environmental safety of the water distribution pipelines are presented. The assessment and analysis of the external factors (parameters, characteristics) that can produce a significant effect on both the pipe integrity and environmental safety and their efficient lifetime are the basis of developing the measures on improving the reliability of the municipal water distribution pipelines.
Key words
water supply network , cathodic protection , insulating coating , reliability , pipeline , ecological safety
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UDC 628.144.001.2
Primin O. G., Bortkevich V. S., Mirkis V. I., Kantor L. I., Vinarskii S. L.
On designing water supply schemes of the Russian cities
The summary on the water supply conditions in the country is presented. Supplying the population with sufficient amount of drinking water of the required quality and environmental safety of water use have been very important issues in Russia that differ for different regions and population groups. In general it is related not only to the replacement of the outdated equipment and elimination of the general technical backwardness, but in the first place to the need to solve legal, organizational and economic problems. To provide for the stepwise implementation of the set tasks of upgrading and reconstructing municipal water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Russia as well as for the economic encouragement of their development the RF Government approved and put into effect the new regulatory documents – Federal Law of December 7, 2011 No. 416-FZ «On water supply and wastewater management» and «Regulations for development and approval of water and wastewater management schemes and requirements to their maintenance». The guidance issues of designing municipal and communal water supply schemes by the example of Ufa and Irkutsk are considered. The sections to be included into the municipal water supply schemes alongside with the principles of supplying drinking water to the population of certain municipal entities are presented. Successful designing regional water supply schemes is ensured by the availability of the background information on the technical condition of the system; water intake conformance to the project water demand; hydrogeolical survey and confirmed operating inventory of the potential reserve water sources; availability of the master plans of territorial development.
Key words
water consumption , pressure losses , water flow , water supply scheme , objectives , electronic model
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Модернизация процессов очистки сточных вод на примере Ново-Курьяновских очистных сооружений Москвы
Компания KSB поздравляет коллектив ОАО «Институт МосводоканалНИИпроект» с юбилеем и желает дальнейших успехов, интересных проектов и новых побед на пути совершенствования систем инженерной инфраструктуры и жизнеобеспечения городов на благо российских граждан.
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UDC 628.31.004.69
Streltsov S. A., Belov N. A. , Klimova L. A., Pshenko N. L.
Reconstruction of the Novo-Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities
The Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities are the European biggest municipal wastewater treatment complex. Being an advanced project for its time (1970-ies) by the XXI century the Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities turned to be obsolescent and needed upgrading. In 2010 the project of upgrading the first and second blocks of the Novo-Kur’ianovo wastewater treatment facilities was launched. The specific features of the design solutions of recovering the capacity of the engineering structures of buildings and facilities of the wastewater treatment plant, of retrofitting nutrients removal process are considered alongside with the aspects of reducing malodorous emissions from the open surfaces of the facilities. Special attention in the project is paid to the selection of process equipment – advanced sludge scrapers, sludge pumps, turboblowers and aeration systems were installed. For the first time floating covers of the primary settling tanks were applied.
Key words
acidoficator , aeration , aeration tank , dephosphatization , sludge scraper , sludge disposal truck , nitrification-denitrification , sedimentation tank , wastewater treatment , floating cover
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UDC 628.212.2
Variushina G. P.
Specific features of collection and treatment of industrial stormwater runoff from motor transport enterprises
The urgency of the problem of industrial stormwater runoff collection and treatment has been caused by the continuous car density growth that is a high-toxic pollution source. The task of the studies was investigation and assessment of the motor transport enterprise impact on the municipal watershed health under current conditions. The results of inspecting water utilization schemes at motor transport enterprises, bus, trolley-bus and taxi depots, truck depots, motor pools of construction equipment, road machinery and specialty vehicles are presented. Core process flows: engine, radiator and machine battery part washing, fuel tank testing, parts and assemblies washing, outside washing and painting of motor vehicles were investigated. Full-scale inspection of local intrashop wastewater treatment facilities and intrasite surface runoff facilities was carried out; laboratory analyses of raw wastewater and effluent quantitative and qualitative parameters including oil products, suspended solids, salt content, synthetic surfactants, heavy metals etc. were made. Rational technical solutions for improving the operation of industrial stormwater runoff treatment facilities with the use of mechanical, physical and chemical treatment technologies including horizontal grit chambers, settlers-oil separators, pressure filter cascade with mineral granular media and high efficient sorption materials were suggested. At that, the efficiency of treatment meets the effluent requirements for being reused as process water or discharged into the municipal storm collector and water bodies.
Key words
automated control system , water supply plant , канализационная насосная станция , public water and wastewater management , frequency converter
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UDC 628.1/.3:658.52.011.56
Privin D. I., Salop A. M., Savel’ev G. S.
Advanced automated process control system for water supply and wastewater disposal systems
The use of automated process control systems in water and wastewater management has been no sensation long ago. At present these systems have been an integral part of the treatment facilities alongside with other process and engineering subsystems. The automation technologies development level provides for designing high quality automated process control systems, at least for public water and wastewater management. The explosive progress of automation technologies allowed solving many problems that were restricting the automation potential – operational speed, output, memory capacity, data transfer rate, reliability etc. The current technical conditions do not restrict the process demand, whereas high demonstration ability of computerized control means evidences the absence of any problems in the field of process automation in water and wastewater management. The typical scheme of a control system arrangement applicable to the facilities of various sizes is presented. Undeveloped and unsolved issues are considered: intercoordination of design solutions in related parts with designing automated process control system structure and process flow scheme, the recognition of automated process control system requirements and automation technologies possibilities in the project design. It is noted that the prospects for the development of control systems lie in the field of system enhancement in the direction of improving low and top levels of automated process control systems. The widespread introduction of automated control systems, their unlimited possibilities attract the users and predetermine further improvement process control soft- and hardware.
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UDC 504.064.47:628.385
Perel'shtein G. B., Svetlichnyi D. A., Dygan M. M., Mal'tseva S. S.
Advanced technologies of municipal waste management
The living activity of a modern city is accompanied by the generation of big waste amounts. In the current situation an important task of the municipal utilities is providing for the environmentally safe and energy efficient waste management. Most commonly used advanced technologies of municipal waste management – solid wastes and wastewater sludge – are presented. The options of implementing the mentioned technologies are considered; the information on the implemented projects of new generation facilities for solid waste and wastewater sludge processing and utilization designed by «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC is given. Minimization of the negative impact of waste disposal on the environmental and public health is provided only by waste landfilling with the use of eco-technologies and environmental protection facilities. Thermal solid waste and wastewater sludge processing (incineration) at special boiler plants with generation of heat and electricity is an optimal option of waste disposal for the municipal utilities since it provides for the simultaneous utilization of solid by-products of incineration. On the basis of the long experience of «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC in the field of designing and commissioning the facilities for waste collection, processing and utilization it is shown that environmentally sound utilization can be ensured only by using advanced waste treatment technologies that provide for environmentally safe storage, processing and disposal; reducing waste amount subject to landfilling; increasing the amount of recyclable materials and waste energy use.
Key words
biogas , sludge , landfill , sanitation and cleaning , landfill gas , municipal solid waste
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UDC 725.41:628.1/.2
Sedov A. M.
Architectural look at the Moscow water and wastewater treatment facilities
Water and wastewater treatment facilities are the most important branch of the infrastructure of any modern megacity. At the same time they are big architectural complexes with their own building, space planning and style specific features. For the first time a short review of the biggest Moscow water and wastewater treatment facilities: Rublevo, East, North and West water treatment plants; Kur’ianovo and Liubertsy wastewater treatment plants, as architectural projects is given. The main construction stages are traced; the architectural features including style are considered. The style characteristic of buildings is given in linkage to the main construction stages. The problems of improving the quality of the facilities design are touched upon with account of their specific features, the current situation and solicitous attitude to the historical and architectural heritage and traditions. The main architectural problems that arise in the process of reconstruction of the existing buildings and facilities related, in particular, to the improvement of their energy efficiency are framed. The issue of solicitous attitude to the historical buildings and harmonious integration of the new projects has emerged full blown only during the last decades. At present the new potential of the construction sector, various high-tech materials, structures and systems provide for implementing efficient and harmonious architectural solutions.
Key words
architectural complex , treatment facilities , reconstruction , Stalinist classicism , pragmatic industrial style
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