

bbk 000000

UDC 628.161

Moiseev A. V., Troshkova E. A.

Industrial-scale tests of an injection aeration system at the Velizhan water deironing plant in Tyumen


Tsurumi submersible jet injectors were suggested for the installation in the channels of the rapid filters of the first process line at the Velizhan water deironing plant operated by Tyumen Vodokanal JSC; for the second process line it was recommended to dismantle the polyethylene pipe aeration system in the deaerator-degasifier and to replace the air blower with advanced economically efficient submersible impeller aerators. The engineering solutions were proved by the industrial-scale tests carried out on-site. The results of the water quality analyses before and after retrofitting the advanced aeration system are presented. The approximate evaluation of the power efficiency and cost saving when using submersible impeller and jet aerators is given.

Key words

aeration , air blower , impeller aerator , deferrization , rapid filter , jet aerator , power saving

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