bbk 000000
UDC 628.334.2.004.69
Kalinin A. V.
Physico-Chemical Composition of Surface Runoff in the Cities of Tolyatti and Samara
Investigations of physico-chemical composition of surface runoff from urban land show that this runoff is heavily polluted. Average annual concentrations of pollutants in the surface runoff of Tolyatti and Samara are given together with the dynamics of pollution concentration fluctuations in the storm water and melt runoff from the residential territory of Avtozavodsk district in Tolyatti. The environmental requirements set for the water area of the Volga River for many pollutants are even more stringent compared to the standards set for fishery water bodies in EU countries. Municipal enterprises have no economic opportunity to meet these requirements. This fact is responsible for freezing building of new surface runoff treatment facilities.
Key words
fishery water body , pollution concentration , maximum permissible concentration , composition of surface runoff , melt runoff
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