Tag:method of studying



bbk 000000

UDC 628.292.004.69

Butko A. V., Posupon'ko S. V.

Optimization of wastewater pumping station operation


The operation of wastewater pumping stations requires attention and understanding of the life cycle of the facilities and equipment. As a rule, the facilities put into operation and designed for the calculated amount of wastewater for a long time cannot reach the rated capacity. This is due to more efficient drinking water consumption by the population, low rate of housing development and sale on the territories served by the wastewater pumping stations, reduction and even termination of wastewater discharge by the industrial enterprises. The method of studying the operation of the wastewater pumping stations, selecting the optimal parameters of the home-made pumping units is presented. The implementation of the optimized work schedule for three units with a rated capacity of 1400, 350 and 320 m3/h provided for reducing the number of turns-on of the pumping units and 23% energy saving. At the same time the changes in the work schedule of the downstream transfer wastewater pumping station and 10–12% reduction in the power consumption were registered. The actual cost payback period was less than one year.

Key words

sewerage pumping station , , wastewater , economic efficiency , power consumption

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