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UDC 628.17.001.4
Shchetinin A. I., Esin M. A., Malbiev B. Yu., Regotun A. A.
Simulation of Biochemical Processes of Wastewater Treatment as a Basis of WWTFs Retechnologization
In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation it is necessary to introduce the best available technologies at biological WWTFs. In the course of development of plans of reconstruction and capital repair of sewerage treatment facilities it is necessary to carry out the variant examination of flow charts of treatment on the basis of imitation simulation. A detailed analysis and comparison of different models of processes with activated sludge have been conducted. Treatment processes at large number of facilities have been simulated with the help of the Ecosim 3P program developed by the Ecopolymer Company. It is shown that the imitation simulation makes it possible to ensure a high accuracy of treatment results prediction. An approach to the retechnologization of treatment facilities based on mathematical models of biochemical processes with activated sludge has been developed. This approach tested experimentally at a whole number of biological treatment stations has made it possible to carry out their retechnologization resulted in considerable reduction of biogenic elements in treated water.
Key words
biological treatment , mathematic modelling , best accessible techniques , retechnologization , removal of nitrogen and phosphorus
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