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UDC 628.336.1:54:57
Shchetinin A. I.
Elemental Composition of Activated Sludge
A review of literary data on elemental composition of activated sludge components generated in the course of wastewater biological treatment is presented. Empiric formulas of activated sludge organic matter, organic matter of different microorganisms, RNA and DNA, carbohydrates, fats, fulvic acids and humic acids are considered. On the basis of literary data on seven cellular components for Escherichia coli cells the empiric formula has been obtained; this formula is proposed for biomasses of all microorganisms of activated sludge. A ratio ThOD : VSS = 1,42 coinciding with the known values; for cellular substance COD : N : P = 50 : 5 : 1, which is close to the known BCOD : N : P = 100 : 5 : 1. for the initial substrate is typical for this elemental composition. Components described make it possible to determine the elemental composition of extracellular substances of activated sludge.
Key words
activated sludge , proteins , wastewater biological treatment , microorganisms , nucleic acids , elemental composition
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