Dear Readers!

Our magazine is a successor of an official publication of the Permanent Bureau of the All-Russia water supply and sanitary-engineering congresses. From 1913 to 1917 its title was "Proceedings of the Permanent Bureau of the All-Russia Water Supply and Sanitary-Engineering Congresses."

The first All-Union water supply and sanitary-engineering congress has decided to resume publication of "Proceedings of the Permanent Bureau", and in December of 1925 it appeared again as "Water Supply and Sanitary Technique (a publication of the Permanent Bureau)".

From 1936 the magazine began to come out under its present name "Water Supply and Sanitary Technique". In severe war years (from 1942) publication of the magazine was suspended and resumed in 1955.

All these years the magazine has been devoting itself to the service to our branch, struggle for its prestige, for recognition of its significance. It has been writing about the best enterprises of the branch, about experience of the foremost bodies mastering new technologies and equipment and solving the problems of energy and resources saving. Now the magazine does everything for our housing, communal and industrial enterprises to help them to survive under extreme conditions of economic depression.

For the long space of our contry's development the magazine has been elucidating operatively the most important problems in the field of water supply and water disposal, heating and ventilation.

For many years of its existance the magazine has made a contribution to development of the science and engineering of our country. Results of scientific researches and progressive technical solutions in the field of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning published in our magazine have contributed to extensive adoption of many new effective technologies and structures in city services, industrial and agricultural construction.

We would like to believe that during the years of its existance (from 1913) our magazine has won the recognition of our readers - engineering and technical staff, foremen and site engineers of erecting and construction bodies, specialists of scientific and research institutes of different branches of industry, instructors and students of building institutes, technical high schools and faculties of emprovement of professional skill.

The words of gratitude I want, first of all, to address to our readers, a source and meaning of our existance.

The best forces of science and practice have been working for the magazine. We want to express our thanks to our authors - prominent scienfists, practicians, heads of the enterprises. Thanks to them our magazine is able to elucidate objectively and professionally the entire variety of the problems, to spread the best examples of scientific, technical and production experience.

The former editors-in-chief of the magazine P. A. Spishnov and A. N. Radzivan made a remarkable contribution to formation of the magazine, F. A. Shevelev played a great role in resumption of the magazine's publication in 1955.

For many years ó members of the staff - R. A. Chubukova, deputy editor-in-chief, O. V. Shishova, M. V. Kotova, L. A. Poliakova have been doing their best for the magazine. We thank them for their work.

In the crucial moments of the magazine's life members of the editorial board and co-founders of the magazine - a Municipal state enterprise (MGP) "Mosvodokanal", Soyuzvodokanalproyekt institute, NII VODGEO (State scientific centre, state enterprise, scientific and research, design and technological institute of water supply, sewerage, hydraulic works and engineering hydrogeology); Central scientific and research institute of experimental design of utulities (TSNIIEP inzhenernogo oboroudovaniya); State design, scientific and research institute (GPKNII) Santekhproyekt as well as the Russian association of water supply and water disposal, Academy of housing and municipal engineering and Academy of water management sciences always give a great help to us.

From the beginning of economic reforms in our country the magazine as the majority of publications has been experiencing some difficulties. But none the less we are alive. The editors devote their energies to keep the magazine necessary and useful for the readers.

And in the future we'll do everything depending on us to strengthen the position of the magazine, to make it intelligible to all categories of our readers: ordinary workers, scientist-theorists, organizers of production and managers. It is they who will be able to initiate practical actions aimed at reduction of technogenic load on environment in their regions.

Editor-in-chief V. N. Shvetsov

© , 1913-2000 All right reserved. Project starting 10.06.1999
Last updating 02.11.1999