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UDC 628.349:661.63

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., PANKOVA G. A., Rublevskaya O. N., Pirogov A. G., Popova N. I., Klimenko A. I.

The experience of introducing the technology of chemical precipitation of phosphorus: from laboratory tests to industrial-scale operation


Meeting the latest recommendations of the Helsinki Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) calls for the introduction of advanced efficient methods of nutrients removal (mainly phosphorus) from municipal and industrial wastewater. Ferix-3 coagulant was chosen as a chemical. Industrial tests of chemical precipitation of phosphorus at the Kolpino, Kronstadt, Metallstroy settlement wastewater treatment facilities, as well as at the Central wastewater treatment plant, South-West wastewater treatment facilities and North wastewater treatment plant of St.-Petersburg are discussed. Chemical injection points and dosages for additional chemical dephosphorization were chosen depending on the treatment technology, automation level, wastewater composition, stability and irregular incoming flow rate.

Key words

dosing , sewerage treatment facilities , laboratory tests , industrial-scale tests , HELCOM recommendations , chemical injection points , municipal and industrial wastewater

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  1. Plan dejstvij HELKOM po Baltijskomu morju / Ministerskoe zasedanie HELKOM. – Krakov, 2007.
  2. Vasil'ev B. V., Mishukov B. G., Solov'eva E. A. Reagentnoe udalenie fosfora iz gorodskih stochnyh vod // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tehnika. 2009. № 2.
  3. About water treatment – Kemira Kemwater: Ed. A. Lindquist. – Helsinborg, 2003.
  4. Karmazinov F. V., Probirskij M. D., Vasil'ev B. V. Jugo-Zapadnye ochistnye sooruzhenija Sankt-Peterburga // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tehnika. 2005. № 12.
  5. Probirskij M. D., Fedotov B. A., Maskaleva S. E. Opyt jekspluatacii Jugo-Zapadnyh ochistnyh sooruzhenij Sankt-Peterburga // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tehnika. 2009. № 10, ch. 2.

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