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UDC 628.156

Khrenov K. E., Bogomolov M. V., KOZLOV M. N., Shushkevich E. V. , Khramenkov S. V., Menshchikova O. A.

Experience of Introduction of Innovation Technique for Prevention of a Water Hammer


The water hammer is a serious threat to pipeline systems and pumping equipment. This phenomenon constitutes a special hazard to the systems of water supply and sewerage of a big city. Emergencies and interruptions in the operation of water supply and sewerage networks may lead to grave consequences for the whole of municipal services. Examples of such situations making it possible to assess the scales of possible consequences are given. Basic reasons for generation of the water hammer are described; a brief excursus into the history of study of this phenomenon is presented. A considerable part of the article is devoted to measures aimed at prevention of the water hammer in the systems of water supply and sewerage of Moscow and to the use of energy efficient innovation technique.

Key words

water supply and sewerage networks , water hammer , pumping station , pipeline , energy efficient innovation technique


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