CONTENTS N1 2003 |
ENG | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ENG | RUS | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | RUS |
Akhapkina E. N. ACTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS IN THE FIELD OF SANITARY-MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF WATER QUALITY The existing Regulations for the State Epidemiologic Standardization establish the unified sanitary-epidemiologic requirements for potable water and potable water supply, water bodies as well. |
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Kashkarova G. P. CONTROL ORGANIZATION OF MICROBIOLOGIC RESEARCH QUALITY Criteria of reliability of results of water microbiological research are to be developed (on the basis of foreign experience). |
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Belova M. A. MODERN PRINCIPLES OF DETECTION AND DETERMINATION OF COLIFORM BACTERIA IN WATER The world community transition to detection and determination of common coliforms and Esherihia Coli according to ISO 9308-1-2000 makes it possible to detect correctly the content and field of application of every of the indexes being reviewed. |
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Strakhova N. M. DETECTION OF ACRYLAMIDE IN SYNTHETIC POLYELECTROLYTES The procedure of detection of residual content of acrylamide at the input control of polyacrylamide flocculant has been developed and certificated. |
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Seregina I. F. COMPARISON OF SPECTRUM METHODS FOR DETECTION OF METALS IN SEWAGE The spectrum methods used by Rosa Co. for analysis of sewage are presented. |
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Belova M. A., Zaytseva I. I. PRACTICAL RESULTS OF BIOLOGICAL TESTS OF SEWAGE On examination of the results of practical biological tests of sew-age at the treatment facilities of St Petersburg and its suburbs it was revealed that the treatment quality regarding the toxicity index depends on operating efficiency and types of treatment facilities of aeration plants. |
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Afanasiev R. A., Merzlaya G. E. PREPARATION AND USE OF SLUDGE AS A FERTILIZER The standard specifications making it possible to use effectively the sludge as a fertilizer have been developed on the basis of for-eign experience and experimental data collected by the Institute of Fertilizers and Agropedology and other domestic research institutes in cooperation with the State Enterprise Mosvodokanal. |
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Firsov A. I. THE USE OF SLUDGE OF FOREST CHEMISTRY PLANTS' SEWAGE AS À FERTILIZE The fermented sludge of the forest chemistry plants' treatment facilities contains necessary nutrients typical for organomineral fertilizes. It can be put in arable layer of soil, as it does not influence negatively on the soil microflora, and helps to increase the harvest. |
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Lisetsky V. N., Lisetskaya T. A., Andreychenko A. A. UTILIZATION OF SLUDGE OF THE TOMSK WATER INTAKE DEFERRIZATION PLANT The possibilities of utilization of sludge of the Tomsk water intake deferrization plant with the following use in different fields of industry and construction are shown. |
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Paenk T. LEGISLATION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY IN THE FIELD OF SLUDGE UTILIZATION In the nearest future the European Community intends to introduce changes in the Directive 86/278/EEC on protection of environment and soils in particular imposing some restrictions on the use of sludge in agriculture. |
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Gerasimov G. N. SOLUTION OF THE WATER AND WASTEWATER SLUDGE TREATMENT PROBLEM Some general principles of the solution of the sludge treatment problem developed by the ONDEO Degremon Engineering Com-pany are considered. |
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