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F. V. Karmazinov, V. N. Izmaylova, I. A. Krasnov.
150 Years of Service to the Great City: Stages of Big Way
The 150-year history of formation and development of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga and its modern state are described.
Key words:  water supply, sewerage, ecology, water piping, source, water intake, ultraviolet, sludge incineration.
UDC 628.
P. P. Makhnev, M. M. Khyamyalyaynen.
Reconstruction and Development of Water Supply System
The main directions of development of the St. Petersburg’s water supply system according to the new Master plan of the city development till 2015 are presented. Realization of the measures planned will guarantee the dynamic development of new city’s areas, improvement of water supply service quality.
Key words:  potable water, turbidity, colourness, treatment, water lines, pipelines, microbiological indices, disinfection, norm, standard.
UDC 628.1.004.69
P. P. Makhnev, N. A. Shabalina.
Reconstruction and Development of Water Disposal System
The system of water disposal of Sankt-Petersburg and its suburbs is described. The measures making possible to enhance the level of city’s wastewater treatment up to 98%, and improve considerably the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the city are presented.
Key words:  wastewater, sewerage tunnel, outlet, collector, ecology, nitrogen, phosphor.
UDC 628.3.004.69
F. V. Karmazinov, B. V. Vasiliev, Zh. L. Grigorieva.
Wastewater Sludge Incineration is a Solution of Their Utilization Problem
It is told about the operation of wastewater sludge incineration plants in St. Petersburg. The successful operation of the three plants confirms the rightness of this direction in wastewater sludge utilization.
Key words:  sludge, wastewater, incineration furnaces, dewatering, gas purification, filter.
UDC 628.336.44.004.8
F. V. Karmazinov, A. K. Kinebas, E. D. Ne fedova, V. A. Gvozdev, S. V. Kostyuchenko, Yu. I. Nefedov, S. G. Zaytseva.
Introduction of Safe Technologies of Potable Water Disinfection
The State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga has realized the conception of two-stage water disinfection with the use of sodium hypochlorite at the first stage and ultraviolet irradiation at the second one. The modernization of disinfection system has been carried out during a short period of time. The problems of norms and legal nature relating to the use of sodium hypochlorite have been solved. The result of the works executed is an improvement in safety and reliability of potable water disinfection system.
Key words:  potable water, disinfection, chlorine, ultraviolet, sodium hypochlorite.
UDC 628.16.085.09
F. Yu. Kasatkin, A. Yu. Kirdis.
Automation of Technological Processes at Water Stations
It is told about automation of technological processes at the Glavnaya, Volkovskaya, Severnaya and Yuzhnaya water stations of the SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga.
Key words:  dispatcher, control, automation, automated systems, control over technological processes, complex system of dispatcher control, automated working place.
UDC 628.1:65.011.56
A. N. Belyaev, B. V. Vasiliev, S. E. Maskaleva, B. G. Mishukov, E. A. Solovieva.
Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphor at Sewerage Treatment Facilities
The results of industrial tests in the use of reagent treatment for removal of nitrogen and phosphor at sewerage treatment facilities of St. Petersburg are presented.
Key words:  dephosphatizing, nitrification, denitrification, nitrogen, phosphor, phosphates, chemical and biological removal, injection point of reagent, treatment facilities.
UDC 628.35.004.1
N. I. Koryakina.
Ecological Training and Education of Children and Young People
Yu. A. Trukhin, S. V. Murashev.
Intellectual Capital of the Company as Index of Its Activity Efficiency
A point of view at the approaches in evaluation of efficiency of the use of intellectual activity of an enterprise, determination of the most feasible size of award to the inventor (expenses on the use of official inventions) is presented. The peculiarities of accounting the expenses on the result of intellectual activity are considered.
Key words:  nonmaterial assets, intellectual activity, control, business, patent, management, profit.
UDC 628.1.2:347.77.003.13
A. K. Kinebas, A. P. Kirimitchiev.
Improvement of Quality of Water Supply and Water Disposal Services
Experience in organization of internal audits in the systems of ecology and quality management at the enterprise of water supply and sewerage economy – Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga is presented. Positive influence of such audits on the process of taking the management decisions is shown.
Key words:  audit, standard, quality, ecology, water and sewerage economy.
UDC 628.
Yu. V. Semenov, A. N. Borisenko.
The Use of Geoinformation Technologies in the Sphere of Management of Enterprise’s Assets
The main trends in the use of geoinformation technologies in the sphere of management of assets (properties) of water supply and water disposal enterprises of big cities are presented. The problems of creation and support of cartographic base of data, the use of satellite navigation and geodesic systems are covered.
Key words:  geoinformation systems, assets (property) management systems, water supply networks, satellite systems, cartographic information, digital map.
UDC 628.1.2.528.484:69.003:65.014
A. N. Belyaev.
Recultivation of Landfill for Storage of Wastewater Sludge
The technology of recultivation of landfill for storage of dewatered wastewater sludge is presented. The sludge is processed into technogenic, strengthened soil to be used for fill of areas, landscape planning, recultivation of solid domestic waste landfills.
Key words:  wastewater sludge, landfill, recultivation, technogenic strengthened soil, dewatering, stabilization.
UDC 628.336.1.004.69
D. A. Karlik, M. Yu. Pimenov.
Comparison of Results of Work of SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga with the Results of Home and Foreign Enterprises of Water Supply and Severage Economy
A comparative analysis of main indices of quality and efficiency of operation of SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga, Russian Vodokanals and leading European companies is given.
Key words:  water supply and water disposal services, population, staff, networks, engineering infrastructure, transportation.
UDC 725.
S. V. Pshenichnaya.
Museum World of Water of St. Petersburg
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue ¹ 9 78