CONTENTS N4 (part 2) 2004


Gordienko V. S.
Priorities and Perspectives of the Development of the "Ufavodokanal" Utility
The paper presents the extension strategy of Ufavodokanal in current conditions: improvement of the record and control systems in the service realization sphere, stability in profit receiving, investment drawing and internal resources employment for the develop-ment and modernization of the water supply and sewerage systems.
Skochilo D. B., Michurin A. I., Kantor L. I., Gordienko V. S.
Water Control System According to Zones and Subzones of Water Supply
The experience of the "Ufavodokanal" utility is presented in organization of the noncommercial water consumption metering system for zones and subzones on basis of the ultrasonic water gauges. The system of that kind allows the technological and economical problems to be solved and the management efficiency of the water supply and its distribution to be increased.
Gordienko V. S., Kantor L. I., Novozhilov Yu. V., Zhirov E. N., Deryushev L. G.
Improvement of the Water Supply and Distribution System
The methods for solving the problems of optimization of the municipal water supply and water distribution system are presented using the city of Ufa as an example. For the first time in the domestic practice the reliability evaluations of the sections to be repaired as elements of distribution systems are given.
Nurgaliev Yu. M., Zujchenkov V. A., Kan-tor L. I.
The Main Development Principles of the Corporative Network of "Ufavodokanal" Utility
The development principles of the corporative network of Ufa-vodokanal have been considered. The possibility of the multiservice network development based on the fiber optic communication lines and technology RadioEthernet is shown.
Leshukov Yu. V., Zujchenkov V. A., Gordienko V. S., Scherbakov S. B.
Management Automation of Financial-Economical Activities for "Ufavodokanal" Utility
This report reviews the stages, results and introduction perspectives of the complex system of management automation in field of financial-economical activities of Ufavodokanal on basis of Utility Complex System of the Management "Galaxy". The developed system allows to increase the efficiency of the utility management.
Leznov B. S., Vorob'ev S. V., Gilmanov A. G., Pintchuk S. V.
Energy Saving and Adjustable Electric Drive at the "Ufavodokanal" Utility
The new developments directed to the provision of energy saving conditions of the water supply and distribution system operation (including the pump units) at the Ufavodokanal utility are presented.
Majtova R. F., Trukhanova N. V., Melnitskij I. A., Kantor L. I.
Modern Sanitary-Microbiological Methods of the Water Quality Evaluation
The application results of the fluorogenic and chromogenic indicator media are presented at the determination of the microbiological water quality characteristics. The introduction of the modern high sensitive, effective and express methods of the microbiological investigations into the laboratory practice of the municipal water service is shown to allow the problem of the reliable and operational estimation of the fecal water contamination characteristics to be carried out.
Gagarina L. N., Tsipisheva L. G., Kantor L. I.
Gas-Chromatographic Determination of the Microconcentrations of the Volatile Organic Compounds in the Water
The using possibility of the coupled sampling and separation system in the identification of volatile organic compounds in the water by gas chromatographic method is considered. The parallel application of various detectors (FID and ECD) is shown to permit the aromatic, halogenorganic compounds and alkanes derivatives as well to be determined simultaneously in the same sample.
Vasil'eva A. I., Tsipisheva L. G., Kantor L. I.
Trihalogenomethanes Formation in the Water Treatment Process at the Water Intake of the City of Ufa
On the model of the open scoop type water supply system the influence of the separate stages in the water treatment on the trihalogenomethanes formation shown. As a result of the laboratory experiments it has been found, that the technological coagulation, flocculation and filtration processes on the North scoop system of Ufa allow to decrease the trihalogenomethanes concentration in the drinking water by a factor of three. The generalized water quality values were found to be not sufficiently to predict the trihalogenomethanes content, formed at the water chlorination.
Vasil'eva A. I., Kireeva E. N., Tsipisheva L. G., Trukhanova N. V., Kantor L. I.
Phenol Identification Methods in Water
The phenol identification methods in water, developed in the "Ufavodokanal" utility, are described. To increase the identification reliability and determination sensitivity of the phenolic compounds the use expediency of the several supporting examination methods of the "phenolic contamination" composition in the water in region with highly developed chemical and petrochemical industry is shown.
Nasirova M. R., Trukhanova N. V., Kantor L. I., Melnitskij I. A., Shkundina F. B.
The Algological Investigation of the Water Supply System in Ufa City
The studying results of the phytoplankton in Ufa River, of algae in the water supply and distributing system of Ufa City are generalized. The regularities of the seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton are established and the variation of its qualitative and quantitative characteristics during the water cleaning is shown.
Shevtchuk S. V., Smagin V. A., Belyak A. A., Smirnov A. D., Khokhlova A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Pintchuk S. V., Kantor L. I.
Evaluation of the Possibilities of the Barrier Role Increase of the Infiltration Water Intakes in Ufa
Results of the study are presented, performed on the pilot experiment complexes with a view to evaluate the possibility of increasing the barrier role of the groundwater plants.
Kantor L. I., Kharabrin A. V.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Water Treatment Efficiency According to Oxidability by Permanganat
Regular variations of the Oxidability by Permanganat in water from the water source and in the drinking water during the annual cycle have been detected by analysis of time series with use of the statistical results. Based on the found data the quantitative estimation of the efficiency of the cleaning systems the work of water treatment has been performed, taking into account the seasonal variation of the water quality in water source.
Kantor L. I., Kharabrin S. V.
Some Regularities of Trihalogenomethanes Formation During the Water Disinfection
The regularities of the trihalogenomethanes concentration changing in the drinking water of various water plants were found out by analysis of time series. It had been shown, that the seasonal dependence of trihalogenomethanes formation is most notable on the surface water plant. The groundwater plants are defined by the smoothed mode of the trihalogenomethanes formation.
Koretskij V. E., Shelomkov A. S., Romanovskaja S. L., Kantor L. I., Gordienko V. S.
Experience in the Projection of the Snow Melting Station on the Sewer in Ufa
The analysis of the contaminates content in snow and thawing water, the influence of the contamination of the snow, removed from the roads, on the ecological situation, reservoirs and water sources hake been considered. In the projecting the snow melting station on the sewer in Ufa the experience of Moscow in field of snow utilization was applied.
Michurin A. I., Skochilo D. B., Gilev I. P.
Organizing Features of the Central Emergency Control Service in "Ufa-vodokanal" Utility
The model of the work organizing the central emergency control service in "Ufavodokanal" is presented. The possibilities to solve the problems of the optimization and economical efficiency of the water supply and its distribution, the operative localization of the emergency situations, the control of the planned work realization are discussed.
Abstracts of the Articles Published in the Issue ¹4, part 2 55